lAVAnderíA nAncy spOrt
,2022,阿根廷,,Agustín Gregori,,the crime Of An ice creAm mAn, the Owner Of A lAundry, blAck bAnAnAs, bOred yOung peOpl
发表时间:2022/5/31 12:13:03 访问详情>>
A cAminhO dAs índiAs
On The Way To India,1979,巴西,葡萄牙,Isa Castro/Augusto Sevá,,dOcumentAry trying tO estAblish A pArAllel between the discOVery Of brAzil And recen
发表时间:2020/9/9 3:59:24 访问详情>>
lA hermAnA AlegríA
,1955,西班牙,,Luis Lucia,,喜剧/歌舞sOledAd enters A refOrming schOOl where gOOd-humOred sister cOnsOlAción with he
发表时间:2023/2/1 15:25:27 访问详情>>
lA cOndesA mAríA
La comtesse Marie,1928,西班牙 法国,,Benito Perojo,Señorita García Kolhy/Sandra Milovanoff/José Nieto/Valentín Parera/Rosario Pino/Andrée Standart/María Josefa Sánchez,剧情. discOnsOlAte, she liVes surrOunded by greedy relAtiVes, but One dAy she receiVes A Visit frO
发表时间:2020/2/8 6:03:46 访问详情>>
lAVAnderíA lAs rOsAs
,2023,阿根廷,,Luna Mato Chague,,in the yeAr 2000, in ezeizA, At A neighbOrhOOd lAundry, Azul And her grAndmOther lydi
发表时间:2024/3/4 7:35:41 访问详情>>
ellA VendíA cOquitOs
,1986,古巴,西班牙语,Gerardo Chijona,,纪录片/短片unA jOVen, técnicA en fundición de metAles, muestrA lA discriminAción que Aún sufre l
发表时间:2022/4/14 12:05:31 访问详情>>
VíA cerrAdA
,1964,哥伦比亚,西班牙语,Luis Ospina,,un jOVen, AburridO en cAli, tOmA un tren y se encuentrA cOn su prOpiA muerte
发表时间:2022/5/24 1:25:30 访问详情>>
rAul: O iníciO, O fim e O meiO
,2011,巴西,葡萄牙语,瓦尔特·卡瓦略,,纪录片the film tells the stOry Of rAul seixAs, A brAziliAn rOck legend. the dOcumentAry unVeil
发表时间:2022/9/2 20:12:36 访问详情>>
nuncA hizO tAntO fríO
,2023,阿根廷,,Violeta Uman,Cora Roca/Violeta Uman/Jovita Ceballos,A mOther And A dAughter in A bOnd beyOnd time, wAiting tO mOVe fOrwArd AmOng Absur
发表时间:2024/9/3 10:44:58 访问详情>>