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d-i-m, Deus in machina
DIM,2007,德国,德语,Axel Ricke/Henning Ricke,David Winter/Reinhardt Firchow/Volker Lippmann,科幻/短片这个像制服般统一,干净又冰冷的世界并不适合卢茨这样怀有梦想的年轻人。面对残酷的命运,他既充满希望又感到绝望,他只能靠技术与梦想,为自己的未来独自奋斗。
发表时间:2020/11/1 2:53:28 访问详情>>
cidade de Deus (2002).bdremux.ukr.por.mkv
发表时间:2016/10/5 22:41:18 访问详情>>
cidade de Deus 2002 www.bludv.com
发表时间:2016/10/5 22:42:41 访问详情>>
Deus nos guiando no escuro
God Guiding us in the Dark,2003,巴西,葡萄牙语,Domenico Lancellotti,,发表时间:2022/6/11 14:22:58 访问详情>>
魔境外传le Deus
Makyo Gaiden Le Deus,1987,日本,日语,根岸弘,矢尾一树/水谷优子/中村大树/柴本広之/神代智恵/中村敏美/若本规夫/二又一成/上田敏也/速水奖/山口健/堀内贤雄,动画发表时间:2017/4/15 5:47:31 访问详情>>
Deus não quis
It Wasn't God's Will,2007,葡萄牙,葡萄牙语,António Ferreira,Catarina Lacerda/Fernando Delfim Duarte/Armando Ladeira,剧情eus não quis / it wasn't god's will it’s based on the dramatization of the lyrics of the p
发表时间:2020/7/10 6:32:03 访问详情>>
cidade de Deus 2002 dvd5
发表时间:2016/10/5 22:39:04 访问详情>>